Exciting News! I’m honored to share that I’ve been awarded the “DOC” stipend by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, granting me two full years of independent funding. This enables me to pursue my research project titled “Network Inequality and its Effect on the Glass Ceiling Phenomenon.”

Award ceremony stipend Image copyright © ÖAW/Natascha Unkart

In the first part of the project, I’ll be focusing on identifying the existence of Old Boy networks, examining their formation and persistence over time, hypothesizing that these networks are rooted in historical gender inequalities. To this end, I’m planning to examine the temporal evolution of the core-periphery structure of collaboration networks and their gender composition.

Abstract figure summarizing the proposed projects

The second part delves into the persistence of these networks, testing whether subtle present-day biases contribute to their long-term existence. This investigation aims to uncover the contemporary factors that sustain Old Boy networks. Studying the formation of triangles will reveal if subtle gender biases lead to higher chances for men to be introduced to the core network.

Finally, the third project explores the impact of having access to such networks on someone’s temporal career progression. I’m eager to contribute to the understanding of the Glass Ceiling Phenomenon and grateful for the opportunity provided by the DOC stipend.

Award ceremony reception